Powering Texans Members Leading the Way to Stronger Texas Grid

Austin, Texas — Today, Powering Texans member companies have collectively submitted plans to bring an estimated 5,000 megawatts of additional dispatchable gas generation capacity online.

“The market reforms the Legislature passed, and the PUC is implementing, are working,” Powering Texans CEO Walt Baum said. “The focus on sending  investment signals for dispatchable generation is yielding success, and our members are leading the way. Overall, interest in the Texas Energy Fund (TEF) loan program is high, with market participants indicating interest to bring more than 40 gigawatts of dispatchable gas generation capacity to the Lone Star State, including nearly 5,000MW from Powering Texans’ four member companies, enough electricity to power over 10 million homes.”

In May, four member companies filed notice with the PUC indicating their intent to bring additional dispatchable gas generation online. Those plans include:

  • NRG: an additional 1,600MW of dispatchable gas generation, including a 721-megawatt combined cycle generating facility at its Cedar Bayou power plant as well as 455-megawatt and 456-megawatt gas peaking generation facilities at its Greens Bayou and TH Wharton plants, respectively;
  • Constellation: an estimated 300-megawatt facility online at its Wolf Hollow II Generating Station; and
  • Vistra: announced plans to bring an additional 2,000 megawatts of dispatchable, natural-gas-fueled power capacity to the Texas energy grid. This includes construction of up to 860-megawatts of advanced simple-cycle peaker plants to help meet Texas’ energy needs.


Powering Texans advocates for free market policies and principles within the Texas energy landscape, and promotes the general welfare of all Texans. By keeping the energy market free from excessive government control, we seek to promote investment, encourage competition, and deliver a stronger grid for Texans, their businesses, and their families. To learn more, visit https://poweringtexans.com/
